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Policy for Advance Payment

Policy for Advance Payment for Homestay Booking

For booking a Homestay, we require guests to make an advance payment to secure their booking. This policy is designed to ensure that we have a guaranteed payment and can hold the guest’s reservation.

The following outlines our policy for advance payments:

Deposit Amount: We require a deposit equal to 30% of the total booking cost to be paid at the time of reservation. The remaining 70% is due upon check-in.

Payment Methods: We accept payments via credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal. The payment details will be provided to the guest at the time of booking.

Confirmation of Booking: A booking is considered confirmed only after the payment of the advance deposit has been received.

Refund Policy: In case of cancellation, the advance payment will be refunded as per the cancellation policy mentioned on our website.

Payment Deadline: The advance payment must be made within 24 hours of the reservation request. Failure to do so will result in the reservation being canceled.

Security Deposit: We reserve the right to request a security deposit in addition to the advance payment. This deposit will be refunded upon check-out, provided there is no damage to the property.

Non-Transferable: Advance payments are non-transferable and non-refundable in case of a no-show or early departure.
We believe that our advance payment policy ensures a fair and transparent booking process for our guests and allows us to provide the best possible experience during their stay. Please contact us if you have any questions about our policy or payment methods.

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